Hot cold mask

Hot cold mask manual

Context of Use

This hot and cold eye mask helps to activate blood circulation in the eye area. It can help to:

  • Relax the eyes.
  • Remove dark circles under the eyes.
  • Restore a youthful, energetic appearance for the eyes.

Cold application

1. Put the hot cold pack in the freezer and leave it at least for 2 hours.

2. Use the hot cold pack for 5 to 20 minutes.

Hot application with hot water

1. Boil 4-5 liters of water.

2. Put the water into another container.

3. Put the hot cold pack in the water for approximately 5 minutes.

4. Remove the hot cold pack from water and use it .

Hot application with microwave

1. Put the hot cold pack in the microwave so it can rotate without touching the microwave walls.

2. Try to heat the hot cold mask for about 40 seconds and wait a minute to test the heat of the hot cold pack .

3. Continue heating with10 to 20 seconds intervals.

4. Turn back from time to time the hot cold mask to ensure a uniform heating.

5. Repeat the steps 3 and 4 until the hot cold mask is hot enough to be used.

6. Use the hot cold mask for 5 to 20 minutes.

Hot and cold application

In order to increase even more the blood flow, you can alternate between cold application and hot application. Cold application increases the blood flow deeply while hot application increases it on surface.. There are several ways to achieve this alternation. The method we recommend is to start with 5 to 10 minutes of cold followed by 5 to 10 minutes of hot.

To facilitate the alternation, we recommend you to use 2 different hot cold packs : one that will be cooled and another one that will be heated.


Before use, make sure that the temperature is not too extreme for the skin. If it is the case, wait until the temperature is good for your skin.

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