Instruction manual for the abdominal cooling Belt

Instruction manual for the abdominal cooling Belt


1. Put the cool pack in the freezer and leave it there for 2 to 24 hours. The required time depends on your freezer model and size.

2. Insert the cool pack in your cooling belt.

3. Put the belt and tighten it enough until you feel the contact with the cool pack.

4. Start the session! The period of each session that we recommend is between 25 minutes to 1 hour. In the meantime, you can do other activities except physical ones. For exemple you can use your computer, read a book, watch TV, talk to people.


  • Use our cooling products in a room which is not overheated. The effectiveness of our products decreases when it is used in rooms with a temperature greater than 21 degrees.
  • Tighten very well the belt so that the cool pack is properly applied to the skin.
  • To increase the intensity, you can :
    • Lower the room temperature.
    • Combine the abdominal belt with our other products such as our cooling t-shirt.
  • To lower the intensity, you can:
    • Remove the cool pack from the freezer several minutes before using it.
    • Wear something under the cooling belt to separate the cool pack and your skin.
  • Insert carefully the cool pack in order to not damage the cooling belt.
  • Freeze the cool pack long enough. It depends on your freezer model and size. 2 to 24 hours are required.
  • Do not apply cool packs directly after eating, wait until you finished digesting.
  • Do not be very active during a session. The main goal is to cool down.
  • Do not wear any clothes under the cooling belt (except if you want to reduce the cooling intensity). Otherwise, you will not feel the cold.

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