Icinger Power product manuals

This page contains Icinger Power product instructions. Before using any of Icinger Power products, check with a medical professional they are suitable for you.

General tips

For best results, adopt a healthy diet and practice a physical activity. Icinger Power products are not an alternative to an healthy lifestyle.

Cool packs

Safety Rules

  • Use Icinger Power products only for its intended purposes.
  • Keep out of reach of Children
  • Do not use cool packs with holes.
  • In case of contact with the gel, rinse immediately with plenty of water.

How does it work ?

The main idea is to imitate CoolSculpting and cryolipolyse by applying cool packs on some areas of the body to lose weight or to improve muscle recovery.

Cold temperatures trigger 3 interesting effects for weight loss :

  • Cold increases metabolism (number of burned calories).
  • Cold stimulates fat-burning hormones production (Irisine and FGF21). Those hormones increase the proportion of fat used to produce energy. This results in losing fat.
  • It is possible to apply gel cold packs on specific areas. Then the body increases the blood blow in those areas to warm them up. Thus, it is possible to lose fat in some specific areas where blood circulation is poor (such as in the abdominal area and the buttocks) and where the body usually does not draw any energy.

The strong impact on blood circulation also helps to:

  • Improve muscle recovery after a workout. It is a common technique used by professional athletes.
  • Fight skin problems related to poor blood circulation such as cellulite.
  • Relief joint pain and make joints stronger. For shis goal, it is possible to alternate cold with heat. We talk of hot cold therapy. In this context we use hot cold packs that can both can be cooled and heated.

But the cooling packs cannot guarantee the cold will be strong enough to kill fat cells as it happens with a CoolSculpting machine. The cooling packs are also very unlikely to give amazing results on fat loss without a good diet as fat can come back quickly into the cells.

Specific instructions for Icinger Power products

Hot cold packs for joints

Safety Rules

  • Before using any of Icinger Power product, check with a health professional they are suitable for you.
  • Use Icinger Power products only for their intended purposes.
  • Keep out of reach of children.
  • Do not use cool packs with holes.
  • In case of contact with the gel, rinse immediately with plenty of water.
  • Keep a close eye on the packs when they are in the microwave

How does it work ?

Cold increases the blood flow deeply. Hot increases the blood flow on surface. Using hot cold packs allow you to increase the blood flow on targeted areas.

According to your personality, you can either use cold or heat to increase blood flow. In order to get more results, you can even alternate cold with heat.

Increasing the blood flow helps to treat most of the conditions related to poor blood circulation such as:

  • Pain in the neck area.
  • Dark circles under the eyes
  • Skin issues such as cellulite
  • Joints inflammation
  • Injury due to bad impact or a bad move

Specific instructions for Icinger Power products

Icinger Power manual